
Showing posts from March, 2013

Goals vs. Desires

" You have complete control over the outcome of your goals. The same is not true about your desires." Carolina Reyes While competing for Miss International, I had the privilege to hear Eddie Peterson   give a great keynote speech during our dinner. One of the important things that I carried with me was the difference between goals and desires. Knowing this key differentiator should highly impact the way you view and prepare for pageants. A goal is something we have complete control over. We have the power to initiate, work toward and ultimately determine whether we will reach the goal or not. When it comes to goals, if you put your mind to it and persevere, you can and will achieve the goal you set. No question.     This is the very reason why winning a pageant cannot be a goal. Winning a pageant is not a goal, it’s a desire. The difference is the outcome of any pageant is completely out of your hands and onto the judges. You can believe in yourself, prepa

Visualization - See Yourself As The Titleholder

"The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in the mind." Henry David Thoreau   The first and biggest obstacle to overcome to win the crown, and achieve any goal you set for yourself in life, is to have the full faith and belief that this is something that you can and WILL achieve. The best way to help with this is through using visualization, along with the affirmation technique that I talked about in the previous post.   Everything that we see in the world around us started as an idea or a thought. Possibilities are only limited to our thinking. Through visualization and imagination, the impossible becomes possible. The power is in our minds and the possibilities are endless. The first step to the process of visualization is to find a quiet place. Clear and quiet your mind and then let your imagination go to work. Try to take 5-10 minutes a day to envision yourself winning the crown and being the titleholder. Think about how

Affirm Yourself As The Next Pageant Winner

“Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.” – Napoleon Hill An affirmation is: Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment. Affirmation, along with visualization (I will talk about that at another time), are strong and powerful techniques to help build belief in yourself and your ability to achieve a goal, or in your case, a pageant.  Post your affirmation ! When you repeat a word, phrase or sentence to yourself over and over again, you are affirming yourself. But here is the trick. Anyone can repeat words over and over to themselves, but how you say it - the tone and style with which you speak it - is the most important. Your brain will not believe you to be the next "Miss Minnesota " if you say it with no confidence, with your eyes down at the ground and a monotone, boring voice. Bring life to those words! Say them with conviction, happiness and excitement and even better, say them w

Love Yourself and Be Unstoppable!

I have personally found that working on falling in love with myself as the single most transformational experience of my life. I went about most of my young adult years thinking that learning from my experiences, along with strength, confidence and a positive attitude were enough to find success and true happiness. I mean, I graduated from college, won Miss Minnesota International and fulfilled my dream of living in Australia, I have my act together, right? Nope. I mean, I was successful and happy to a point, but there were always areas in my life where I fell short and didn’t seem to know why. I want to talk about how loving yourself could be the key to you capturing the crown, but more importantly, how learning to love, respect and accept yourself will make you unstoppable in life. Truly loving yourself is the most often the missing piece most of us lack in order to experiencing true happiness in every aspect of our lives. When we place the source of our happiness in winning t


So, I am moving along slowly here, but I promise the blog will look better with an actual helpful post soon! These kinds of things don't happen overnight I realize, but I am going to try and make it happen! Ha! In the meantime, you can learn more about me and my business,  True Beauty Program  if you'd like.  Everything I do is filled with the mission of empowering women to love themselves, be authentic and help uncover their passion and purpose in order to reach their highest potential in life! I hope to have you back here soon!