Affirm Yourself As The Next Pageant Winner

“Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.” – Napoleon Hill
An affirmation is: Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.
Affirmation, along with visualization (I will talk about that at another time), are strong and powerful techniques to help build belief in yourself and your ability to achieve a goal, or in your case, a pageant.

Post your affirmation!

When you repeat a word, phrase or sentence to yourself over and over again, you are affirming yourself. But here is the trick. Anyone can repeat words over and over to themselves, but how you say it - the tone and style with which you speak it - is the most important. Your brain will not believe you to be the next "Miss Minnesota " if you say it with no confidence, with your eyes down at the ground and a monotone, boring voice. Bring life to those words! Say them with conviction, happiness and excitement and even better, say them while you look in the mirror!
Before I competed, I would put a post-it next to my mirror that said "I am Carolina Reyes, your next Miss Minnesota International 2010!" And you better believe I would say this outloud to myself everyday leading up to the pageant.
In order to achieve any goal you set for yourself, you must first believe in yourself. Affirmations are a great way to build that conviction within you.  


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